MDB2_Error Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => -19 [message] => MDB2 Error: no such field [userinfo] => _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'an.type' in 'where clause'] [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2.php [line] => 973 [function] => PEAR_Error [class] => PEAR_Error [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => MDB2 Error: no such field [1] => -19 [2] => 1 [3] => 1024 [4] => _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'an.type' in 'where clause'] ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/PEAR.php [line] => 531 [function] => MDB2_Error [class] => MDB2_Error [object] => MDB2_Error Object *RECURSION* [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => -19 [1] => 1 [2] => 1024 [3] => _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'an.type' in 'where clause'] ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2.php [line] => 1442 [function] => raiseError [class] => PEAR [object] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => -19 [2] => [3] => [4] => _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement] [Last executed query: SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ] [Native code: 1054] [Native message: Unknown column 'an.type' in 'where clause'] [5] => MDB2_Error [6] => 1 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php [line] => 607 [function] => raiseError [class] => MDB2_Driver_Common [object] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => Could not execute statement [4] => _doQuery ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2.php [line] => 2514 [function] => _doQuery [class] => MDB2_Driver_mysql [object] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [1] => [2] => Resource id #189 [3] => inforex ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2.php [line] => 4113 [function] => query [class] => MDB2_Driver_Common [object] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [1] => Array ( ) [2] => 1 [3] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2/Driver/mysql.php [line] => 1376 [function] => _execute [class] => MDB2_Statement_Common [object] => MDB2_Statement_mysql Object ( [db] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [statement] => [query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [result_types] => Array ( ) [types] => Array ( ) [values] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) [limit] => 0 [offset] => 0 [is_manip] => [positions] => Array ( [101] => 0 ) [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /usr/share/php/MDB2.php [line] => 4065 [function] => _execute [class] => MDB2_Statement_mysql [object] => MDB2_Statement_mysql Object ( [db] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [statement] => [query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [result_types] => Array ( ) [types] => Array ( ) [values] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) [limit] => 0 [offset] => 0 [is_manip] => [positions] => Array ( [101] => 0 ) [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/database/Database.php [line] => 112 [function] => execute [class] => MDB2_Statement_Common [object] => MDB2_Statement_mysql Object ( [db] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [statement] => [query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [result_types] => Array ( ) [types] => Array ( ) [values] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) [limit] => 0 [offset] => 0 [is_manip] => [positions] => Array ( [101] => 0 ) [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/database/Database.php [line] => 143 [function] => execute [class] => Database [object] => Database Object ( [mdb2] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [log] => [log_output] => fb ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [1] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/database/CDbReport.php [line] => 53 [function] => fetch_rows [class] => Database [object] => Database Object ( [mdb2] => MDB2_Driver_mysql Object ( [string_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ' [end] => ' [escape] => \ [escape_pattern] => \ ) [identifier_quoting] => Array ( [start] => ` [end] => ` [escape] => ` ) [sql_comments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => -- [end] => [escape] => ) [1] => Array ( [start] => # [end] => [escape] => ) [2] => Array ( [start] => /* [end] => */ [escape] => ) ) [start_transaction] => [varchar_max_length] => 255 [db_index] => 2 [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connected_dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [protocol] => [hostspec] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [database] => [mode] => ) [connection] => Resource id #189 [opened_persistent] => [database_name] => inforex [connected_database_name] => inforex [connected_server_info] => [supported] => Array ( [sequences] => emulated [indexes] => 1 [affected_rows] => 1 [summary_functions] => 1 [order_by_text] => 1 [transactions] => 1 [savepoints] => [current_id] => emulated [limit_queries] => 1 [LOBs] => 1 [replace] => 1 [sub_selects] => emulated [auto_increment] => 1 [primary_key] => 1 [result_introspection] => 1 [prepared_statements] => emulated [identifier_quoting] => 1 [pattern_escaping] => 1 [new_link] => 1 ) [options] => Array ( [ssl] => [field_case] => 0 [disable_query] => [result_class] => MDB2_Result_%s [buffered_result_class] => MDB2_BufferedResult_%s [result_wrap_class] => [result_buffering] => 1 [fetch_class] => stdClass [persistent] => [debug] => 0 [debug_handler] => MDB2_defaultDebugOutput [debug_expanded_output] => [default_text_field_length] => 4096 [lob_buffer_length] => 8192 [log_line_break] => [idxname_format] => %s_idx [seqname_format] => %s_seq [savepoint_format] => MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s [statement_format] => MDB2_STATEMENT_%1$s_%2$s [seqcol_name] => sequence [quote_identifier] => [use_transactions] => 1 [decimal_places] => 2 [portability] => 0 [modules] => Array ( [ex] => Extended [dt] => Datatype [mg] => Manager [rv] => Reverse [na] => Native [fc] => Function ) [emulate_prepared] => [datatype_map] => Array ( ) [datatype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [nativetype_map_callback] => Array ( ) [default_table_type] => ) [wildcards] => Array ( [0] => % [1] => _ ) [as_keyword] => AS [warnings] => Array ( ) [debug_output] => [in_transaction] => [nested_transaction_counter] => [has_transaction_error] => [offset] => 0 [limit] => 0 [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [last_query] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora='1680' AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [fetchmode] => 1 [modules] => Array ( [Extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [Datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) ) [destructor_registered] => 1 [_debug] => [_default_error_mode] => [_default_error_options] => [_default_error_handler] => [_error_class] => PEAR_Error [_expected_errors] => Array ( ) [extended] => MDB2_Extended Object ( [db_index] => 2 ) [datatype] => MDB2_Driver_Datatype_mysql Object ( [valid_default_values] => Array ( [text] => [boolean] => 1 [integer] => 0 [decimal] => 0 [float] => 0 [timestamp] => 1970-01-01 00:00:00 [time] => 00:00:00 [date] => 1970-01-01 [clob] => [blob] => ) [lobs] => Array ( ) [db_index] => 2 ) [loaded_version_modules] => Array ( [0] => datatype ) ) [log] => [log_output] => fb ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count FROM reports r WHERE r.corpora=? AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` [1] => Array ( [0] => 1680 ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/pages/browse.php [line] => 782 [function] => getReportsByCorpusIdWithParameters [class] => DbReport [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => 1680 [1] => r.lang AS id, r.lang AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT as count [2] => [3] => AND (an.type = 'ekspresywny') [4] => GROUP BY r.lang ORDER BY `r`.`lang` ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/pages/browse.php [line] => 459 [function] => set_filter_menu [class] => Page_browse [object] => Page_browse Object ( [isSecure] => 1 [roles] => Array ( ) [filter_attributes] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => base [2] => lang [3] => year [4] => month [5] => type [6] => annotation [7] => annotation_value [8] => status [9] => subcorpus ) [template] => Smarty Object ( [template_dir] => templates [compile_dir] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/templates_c [config_dir] => configs [plugins_dir] => Array ( [0] => plugins ) [debugging] => [error_reporting] => [debug_tpl] => [debugging_ctrl] => NONE [compile_check] => 1 [force_compile] => [caching] => 0 [cache_dir] => cache [cache_lifetime] => 3600 [cache_modified_check] => [php_handling] => 0 [security] => [secure_dir] => Array ( ) [security_settings] => Array ( [PHP_HANDLING] => [IF_FUNCS] => Array ( [0] => array [1] => list [2] => isset [3] => empty [4] => count [5] => sizeof [6] => in_array [7] => is_array [8] => true [9] => false [10] => null ) [INCLUDE_ANY] => [PHP_TAGS] => [MODIFIER_FUNCS] => Array ( [0] => count ) [ALLOW_CONSTANTS] => ) [trusted_dir] => Array ( ) [left_delimiter] => { [right_delimiter] => } [request_vars_order] => EGPCS [request_use_auto_globals] => 1 [compile_id] => [use_sub_dirs] => [default_modifiers] => Array ( ) [default_resource_type] => file [cache_handler_func] => [autoload_filters] => Array ( ) [config_overwrite] => 1 [config_booleanize] => 1 [config_read_hidden] => [config_fix_newlines] => 1 [default_template_handler_func] => [compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php [compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler [config_class] => Config_File [_tpl_vars] => Array ( [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php [RELEASE] => RELEASE [user] => [page] => browse [corpus] => Array ( [id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts in message board posts [description] => Corpus imported from DSpace [public] => 1 [user_id] => 423 [ext] => reports_ext_1680 [date_created] => 2020-07-24 12:31:38 [role] => Array ( ) [public_corpora] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1749 [name] => Abstrakty_testowy [screename] => Dorota Guttfeld ) [1] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 5 [name] => CEN [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [2] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 14 [name] => Demo (English) [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [3] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1061 [name] => Diachrono [screename] => Jan Kocoń ) [4] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1 [name] => GPW [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [5] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1739 [name] => k1 [screename] => Dariusz Kwiatkowski ) [6] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1439 [name] => kazania po PL [screename] => MichaÅ‚ ) [7] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 4 [name] => Poligon [screename] => Konto testowe ) [8] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 15 [name] => Porównanie narzędzi PWr i IPI [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [9] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts in message board posts [screename] => Kamil ) [10] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1724 [name] => Wikinews_Szewczyk [screename] => Zuzanna Szewczyk ) [11] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1701 [name] => Wikipedia news [screename] => Anna Wendlińska ) [12] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1634 [name] => Witkacy [screename] => Marek Średniawa ) ) ) [release] => RELEASE [config] => Config Object ( [sid] => gpw [session_time] => 61516800 [offline] => [path_engine] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine [path_www] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/public_html [path_secured_data] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/secured_data [federationLoginUrl] => [federationValidateTokenUrl] => [url] => [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [hostspec] => localhost [database] => inforex ) [liner2_api] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => granice nazw własnych, nazw serii, przymiotników pochodzących od nazw własnych [wsdl] => [model] => ner-names [description] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => adj, loc, org, liv, oth, pro, num, fac, eve [wsdl] => [model] => ner-top9 [description] => ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => 82 szczegółowych kategorii [wsdl] => [model] => ner-n82 [description] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Wyrażenia temporalne TimeX [type] => granice wyrażeń temporalnych [wsdl] => [model] => timex1 [description] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Wyrażenia temporalne TimeX z normalizacją [type] => date, time, duration, set [wsdl] => [model] => timex4 [description] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Events (sytuacje) [type] => action, intentional action, state, intentional state, reporting, aspectual, light predicate, perception [wsdl] => [model] => event8 [description] => wyznaczniki sytuacji zgodnie z wytycznymi TimeML zadoptowanymi do j. polskiego ) [6] => Array ( [name] => MINOS [type] => anafora_verb_null [type_ignore] => Array ( [0] => chunk_adjp [1] => chunk_agp [2] => chunk_np [3] => chunk_vp ) [wsdl] => [model] => minos [description] => Czasowniki z podmiotem domyślnym ) ) [wccl_match_enable] => 1 [wccl_match_tester_corpora] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – all (1–551) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_train.txt ) [1] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – A (1–100) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_a.txt ) [2] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – B (101–200) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_b.txt ) [3] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – C (201–300) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_c.txt ) [4] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – D (301–551) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_d.txt ) [5] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML tune [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_tune.txt ) ) [wccl_match_daemon] => [path_python] => python [path_liner] => [path_liner2] => [path_nerd] => [path_wcrft] => [path_semql] => [file_with_rules] => [takipi_wsdl] => [liner_wsdl] => [serel_liner_wsdl] => [path_wcrft_model] => [wcrft_config] => nkjp_s2.ini [wcrft2_config] => nkjp_e2 [log_sql] => [log_output] => fb [path_grabber] => /home/czuk/tools/corpograbber [path_exports] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/secured_data/exports [wccl_match_tester_script] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/../apps/wccl/ [wccl_match_script] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/../apps/wccl/ ) [rev] => 05bae204 [columns] => Array ( [checkbox_action] => checkbox [id] => Id [lp] => No. [subcorpus_id] => Subcorpus [title] => Title [status_name] => Status [tokenization] => Tokenization [flag371] => Array ( [corpora_flag_id] => 371 [corpora_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts and local grammar [short] => Pilot [sort] => 0 [description] => ) [flag410] => Array ( [corpora_flag_id] => 410 [corpora_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts classes [short] => SAC [sort] => 1 [description] => Searle, John (1976), A Classification of Illocutionary Acts, „Language in Sociery”, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-23, available online: ) ) [page_map] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [p] => 0 [text] => 1 [selected] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [p] => 1 [text] => 2 [selected] => ) [2] => Array ( [p] => 2 [text] => 3 [selected] => ) [3] => Array ( [p] => 3 [text] => 4 [selected] => ) [4] => Array ( [p] => 4 [text] => 5 [selected] => ) [5] => Array ( [p] => 5 [text] => 6 [selected] => ) [6] => Array ( [nolink] => 1 [text] => ... ) [7] => Array ( [p] => 67 [text] => 68 [selected] => ) [8] => Array ( [p] => 68 [text] => 69 [selected] => ) ) [status] => [rows] => [p] => 0 [base] => [max_results_limit] => 9223372036854775807 [default_results_limit_for_search_in_text] => 10 [results_limit] => 5 [results_limit_options] => Array ( [5] => first 5 [10] => first 10 [15] => first 15 [20] => first 20 [25] => first 25 [50] => first 50 [100] => first 100 [9223372036854775807] => all ) [base_found_sentences] => [random_order] => [base_show_found_sentences] => [total_count] => 341 [year] => [month] => [from] => 1 [search] => [search_field_title] => [search_field_content] => [type] => [type_set] => [annotation_set] => [annotation_value] => [annotation_type] => [corpus_flags] => Array ( [flag_Pilot] => Array ( ) [flag_SAC] => Array ( ) ) [filter_order] => Array ( [0] => annotation ) [annotation_types] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (n82) [1] => Array ( [name] => living [5] => nam_liv_animal [134] => nam_liv_person_add [136] => nam_liv_person_first [138] => nam_liv_person_last [139] => nam_liv_person [140] => nam_liv_plant [356] => nam_liv_character [357] => nam_liv_god [359] => nam_liv_habitant [363] => nam_liv_other ) [2] => Array ( [name] => location [1] => nam_loc_gpe_admin1 [2] => nam_loc_gpe_admin2 [3] => nam_loc_gpe_admin3 [6] => nam_loc_astronomical [9] => nam_loc_hydronym_bay [11] => nam_loc_land_cape [25] => nam_loc_gpe_city [28] => nam_loc_land_continent [29] => nam_loc_gpe_conurbation [30] => nam_loc_gpe_country [31] => nam_loc_country_region [33] => nam_loc_gpe_district [60] => nam_loc_historical_region [63] => nam_loc_land_island [64] => nam_loc_hydronym_lagoon [65] => nam_loc_hydronym_lake [118] => nam_loc_land_mountain [125] => nam_loc_hydronym_ocean [131] => nam_loc_land_peninsula [146] => nam_loc_land_region [147] => nam_loc_hydronym_river [150] => nam_loc_land_sandspit [151] => nam_loc_hydronym_sea [157] => nam_loc_gpe_subdivision [167] => nam_loc_other [330] => nam_loc_land_peak [344] => nam_loc_land_desert [351] => nam_loc_gpe [352] => nam_loc_gpe_admin [353] => nam_loc_hydronym [354] => nam_loc_land [355] => nam_loc_land_protected_area ) [3] => Array ( [name] => event [38] => nam_eve_human [308] => nam_eve_human_holiday [309] => nam_eve_human_sport [310] => nam_eve_human_cultural [343] => nam_eve_human_aniversary [349] => nam_eve_natural_phenomenom [361] => nam_eve_other ) [4] => Array ( [name] => facility [40] => nam_fac_goe [130] => nam_fac_park [149] => nam_fac_road [156] => nam_fac_square [158] => nam_fac_system [345] => nam_fac_goe_stop [346] => nam_fac_crossroad [347] => nam_fac_bridge [350] => nam_fac_goe_market [362] => nam_fac_other ) [5] => Array ( [name] => product [7] => nam_pro_award [10] => nam_pro_brand [34] => nam_pro_title_document [117] => nam_pro_media [132] => nam_pro_media_periodic [152] => nam_pro_software [166] => nam_pro_title [169] => nam_pro_title_treaty [171] => nam_pro_vehicle [172] => nam_pro_media_web [306] => nam_pro_media_tv [307] => nam_pro_media_radio [311] => nam_pro_title_album [312] => nam_pro_title_boardgame [313] => nam_pro_title_book [315] => nam_pro_title_article [316] => nam_pro_title_painting [317] => nam_pro_title_song [318] => nam_pro_title_tv [319] => nam_pro_title_radio [321] => nam_pro_model_car [322] => nam_pro_model_phone [323] => nam_pro_model_plane [324] => nam_pro_model_ship [326] => nam_pro_software_os [327] => nam_pro_software_game [348] => nam_pro_software_version [366] => nam_pro_other ) [7] => Array ( [name] => organization [8] => nam_org_group_band [27] => nam_org_company [62] => nam_org_institution [120] => nam_org_nation [128] => nam_org_organization [129] => nam_org_organization_sub [137] => nam_org_group [141] => nam_org_political_party [328] => nam_org_group_team [341] => nam_org_institution_full [365] => nam_org_other ) [8] => Array ( [name] => other [32] => nam_oth_currency [66] => nam_oth_license [119] => nam_oth_other [159] => nam_oth_tech [262] => nam_oth_www [325] => nam_oth_data_format [331] => nam_oth_mail [332] => nam_oth_ip [337] => nam_oth_address_street [340] => nam_oth_stock_index [342] => nam_oth_position ) [52] => Array ( [name] => adjective [135] => nam_adj_person [338] => nam_adj_country [339] => nam_adj_city [360] => nam_adj_other ) [53] => Array ( [name] => numex [333] => nam_num_house [334] => nam_num_flat [335] => nam_num_phone [336] => nam_num_postal_code [364] => nam_num_other ) [290] => Array ( [name] => emocje [750] => radosc ) [295] => Array ( [name] => pozytywne [760] => radosc [761] => radosc [762] => radosc ) [298] => Array ( [name] => negatywne [770] => smutek ) [478] => Array ( [name] => waluty [1061] => nam_waluty_crypto ) [497] => Array ( [name] => anonimize [1081] => BRAND_NAME [1082] => OSOBA [1085] => NAMED_ENTITY [1086] => MIEJSCE [1087] => INNE [1088] => MAIL [1089] => USER [1090] => WWW [1091] => PRODUCT_NAME ) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (nam) [57] => Array ( [name] => nam [436] => nam [1189] => nam_org_organization [1190] => nam_org_institution [1191] => nam_org_company [1192] => nam_pro_media_web [1193] => nam_pro_software [1194] => nam_pro_software_os ) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (top9) [58] => Array ( [name] => top9 [437] => nam_adj [438] => nam_eve [439] => nam_fac [440] => nam_liv [441] => nam_loc [442] => nam_num [443] => nam_org [444] => nam_oth [445] => nam_pro ) ) [233] => Array ( [name] => Speech acts pilot [471] => Array ( [name] => Klasy aktów mowy [1041] => ekspresywny [1042] => deklaratywny [1043] => dyrektywny [1044] => komisywny [1045] => asertywny [1046] => pytanie ) [498] => Array ( [name] => CCSARP [1092] => head [1093] => adjunct [1094] => address ) [499] => Array ( [name] => Local grammar [1095] => act [1096] => performer [1097] => addressee [1098] => specifier [1099] => intensifier [1100] => mitigator [1101] => indicator [1102] => hinge [1103] => filling ) ) [305] => Array ( [name] => Speech acts classes [552] => Array ( [name] => SAC [1232] => assertives [1233] => directives [1234] => commissives [1235] => expressives [1236] => declarations ) ) ) [filter_notset] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => base [2] => lang [3] => year [4] => month [5] => type [7] => annotation_value [8] => status [9] => subcorpus [10] => flag_Pilot [11] => flag_SAC ) [years] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0 [name] => 0 [count] => 341 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation [link] => 0 ) ) [subcorpuses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3125 [name] => BabyBoom [count] => 48 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3125 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 3126 [name] => Dogomania [count] => 36 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3126 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3127 [name] => Elektroda [count] => 26 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3127 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3128 [name] => Kafeteria [count] => 28 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3128 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 3129 [name] => Miau [count] => 34 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3129 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3130 [name] => PCLab [count] => 24 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3130 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 3123 [name] => SFD [count] => 65 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3123 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 3131 [name] => Vitalia [count] => 23 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3131 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 3124 [name] => Wizaz [count] => 57 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3124 ) ) [statuses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Przyjęty [count] => 341 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation [link] => 2 ) ) ) [_smarty_vars] => [_sections] => Array ( ) [_foreach] => Array ( ) [_tag_stack] => Array ( ) [_conf_obj] => [_config] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [vars] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) ) ) [_smarty_md5] => f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f [_version] => 2.6.22 [_inclusion_depth] => 0 [_compile_id] => [_smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG [_smarty_debug_info] => Array ( ) [_cache_info] => Array ( ) [_file_perms] => 420 [_dir_perms] => 505 [_reg_objects] => Array ( ) [_plugins] => Array ( [modifier] => Array ( ) [function] => Array ( ) [block] => Array ( ) [compiler] => Array ( ) [prefilter] => Array ( ) [postfilter] => Array ( ) [outputfilter] => Array ( ) [resource] => Array ( ) [insert] => Array ( ) ) [_cache_serials] => Array ( ) [_cache_include] => [_cache_including] => ) [warnings] => Array ( ) [include_files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => js [file] => libs/lz-string.js [hash] => c9d045fcd175a8de647eac054c79ba4755dac4f4 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => js [file] => js/c_autoresize.js [hash] => c3c37a951d7d6f2852fbe22090502d0a1eec19fa ) ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => [1] => Array ( ) [2] => Array ( ) [3] => Array ( ) [4] => Array ( ) [5] => Array ( ) [6] => Array ( [0] => ekspresywny ) [7] => Array ( [0] => annotation ) [8] => Array ( ) [9] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [flag_name] => Pilot [no_space_flag_name] => flag_Pilot [value] => [data] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [flag_name] => SAC [no_space_flag_name] => flag_SAC [value] => [data] => Array ( ) ) ) [10] => 341 ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/CInforexWeb.php [line] => 198 [function] => execute [class] => Page_browse [object] => Page_browse Object ( [isSecure] => 1 [roles] => Array ( ) [filter_attributes] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => base [2] => lang [3] => year [4] => month [5] => type [6] => annotation [7] => annotation_value [8] => status [9] => subcorpus ) [template] => Smarty Object ( [template_dir] => templates [compile_dir] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/templates_c [config_dir] => configs [plugins_dir] => Array ( [0] => plugins ) [debugging] => [error_reporting] => [debug_tpl] => [debugging_ctrl] => NONE [compile_check] => 1 [force_compile] => [caching] => 0 [cache_dir] => cache [cache_lifetime] => 3600 [cache_modified_check] => [php_handling] => 0 [security] => [secure_dir] => Array ( ) [security_settings] => Array ( [PHP_HANDLING] => [IF_FUNCS] => Array ( [0] => array [1] => list [2] => isset [3] => empty [4] => count [5] => sizeof [6] => in_array [7] => is_array [8] => true [9] => false [10] => null ) [INCLUDE_ANY] => [PHP_TAGS] => [MODIFIER_FUNCS] => Array ( [0] => count ) [ALLOW_CONSTANTS] => ) [trusted_dir] => Array ( ) [left_delimiter] => { [right_delimiter] => } [request_vars_order] => EGPCS [request_use_auto_globals] => 1 [compile_id] => [use_sub_dirs] => [default_modifiers] => Array ( ) [default_resource_type] => file [cache_handler_func] => [autoload_filters] => Array ( ) [config_overwrite] => 1 [config_booleanize] => 1 [config_read_hidden] => [config_fix_newlines] => 1 [default_template_handler_func] => [compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php [compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler [config_class] => Config_File [_tpl_vars] => Array ( [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php [RELEASE] => RELEASE [user] => [page] => browse [corpus] => Array ( [id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts in message board posts [description] => Corpus imported from DSpace [public] => 1 [user_id] => 423 [ext] => reports_ext_1680 [date_created] => 2020-07-24 12:31:38 [role] => Array ( ) [public_corpora] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1749 [name] => Abstrakty_testowy [screename] => Dorota Guttfeld ) [1] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 5 [name] => CEN [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [2] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 14 [name] => Demo (English) [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [3] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1061 [name] => Diachrono [screename] => Jan Kocoń ) [4] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1 [name] => GPW [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [5] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1739 [name] => k1 [screename] => Dariusz Kwiatkowski ) [6] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1439 [name] => kazania po PL [screename] => MichaÅ‚ ) [7] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 4 [name] => Poligon [screename] => Konto testowe ) [8] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 15 [name] => Porównanie narzędzi PWr i IPI [screename] => Michał Marcińczuk ) [9] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts in message board posts [screename] => Kamil ) [10] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1724 [name] => Wikinews_Szewczyk [screename] => Zuzanna Szewczyk ) [11] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1701 [name] => Wikipedia news [screename] => Anna Wendlińska ) [12] => Array ( [corpus_id] => 1634 [name] => Witkacy [screename] => Marek Średniawa ) ) ) [release] => RELEASE [config] => Config Object ( [sid] => gpw [session_time] => 61516800 [offline] => [path_engine] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine [path_www] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/public_html [path_secured_data] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/secured_data [federationLoginUrl] => [federationValidateTokenUrl] => [url] => [dsn] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [username] => inforex [password] => inforex1qaz [hostspec] => localhost [database] => inforex ) [liner2_api] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => granice nazw własnych, nazw serii, przymiotników pochodzących od nazw własnych [wsdl] => [model] => ner-names [description] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => adj, loc, org, liv, oth, pro, num, fac, eve [wsdl] => [model] => ner-top9 [description] => ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Jednostki identyfikacyjne [type] => 82 szczegółowych kategorii [wsdl] => [model] => ner-n82 [description] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Wyrażenia temporalne TimeX [type] => granice wyrażeń temporalnych [wsdl] => [model] => timex1 [description] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Wyrażenia temporalne TimeX z normalizacją [type] => date, time, duration, set [wsdl] => [model] => timex4 [description] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Events (sytuacje) [type] => action, intentional action, state, intentional state, reporting, aspectual, light predicate, perception [wsdl] => [model] => event8 [description] => wyznaczniki sytuacji zgodnie z wytycznymi TimeML zadoptowanymi do j. polskiego ) [6] => Array ( [name] => MINOS [type] => anafora_verb_null [type_ignore] => Array ( [0] => chunk_adjp [1] => chunk_agp [2] => chunk_np [3] => chunk_vp ) [wsdl] => [model] => minos [description] => Czasowniki z podmiotem domyślnym ) ) [wccl_match_enable] => 1 [wccl_match_tester_corpora] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – all (1–551) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_train.txt ) [1] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – A (1–100) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_a.txt ) [2] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – B (101–200) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_b.txt ) [3] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – C (201–300) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_c.txt ) [4] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML train – D (301–551) [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_d.txt ) [5] => Array ( [name] => KPWr 1.2.2 TimeML tune [path] => /home/czuk/corpora/kpwr-1.2.2-time-disamb/index_time_tune.txt ) ) [wccl_match_daemon] => [path_python] => python [path_liner] => [path_liner2] => [path_nerd] => [path_wcrft] => [path_semql] => [file_with_rules] => [takipi_wsdl] => [liner_wsdl] => [serel_liner_wsdl] => [path_wcrft_model] => [wcrft_config] => nkjp_s2.ini [wcrft2_config] => nkjp_e2 [log_sql] => [log_output] => fb [path_grabber] => /home/czuk/tools/corpograbber [path_exports] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/secured_data/exports [wccl_match_tester_script] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/../apps/wccl/ [wccl_match_script] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/../apps/wccl/ ) [rev] => 05bae204 [columns] => Array ( [checkbox_action] => checkbox [id] => Id [lp] => No. [subcorpus_id] => Subcorpus [title] => Title [status_name] => Status [tokenization] => Tokenization [flag371] => Array ( [corpora_flag_id] => 371 [corpora_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts and local grammar [short] => Pilot [sort] => 0 [description] => ) [flag410] => Array ( [corpora_flag_id] => 410 [corpora_id] => 1680 [name] => Speech acts classes [short] => SAC [sort] => 1 [description] => Searle, John (1976), A Classification of Illocutionary Acts, „Language in Sociery”, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-23, available online: ) ) [page_map] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [p] => 0 [text] => 1 [selected] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [p] => 1 [text] => 2 [selected] => ) [2] => Array ( [p] => 2 [text] => 3 [selected] => ) [3] => Array ( [p] => 3 [text] => 4 [selected] => ) [4] => Array ( [p] => 4 [text] => 5 [selected] => ) [5] => Array ( [p] => 5 [text] => 6 [selected] => ) [6] => Array ( [nolink] => 1 [text] => ... ) [7] => Array ( [p] => 67 [text] => 68 [selected] => ) [8] => Array ( [p] => 68 [text] => 69 [selected] => ) ) [status] => [rows] => [p] => 0 [base] => [max_results_limit] => 9223372036854775807 [default_results_limit_for_search_in_text] => 10 [results_limit] => 5 [results_limit_options] => Array ( [5] => first 5 [10] => first 10 [15] => first 15 [20] => first 20 [25] => first 25 [50] => first 50 [100] => first 100 [9223372036854775807] => all ) [base_found_sentences] => [random_order] => [base_show_found_sentences] => [total_count] => 341 [year] => [month] => [from] => 1 [search] => [search_field_title] => [search_field_content] => [type] => [type_set] => [annotation_set] => [annotation_value] => [annotation_type] => [corpus_flags] => Array ( [flag_Pilot] => Array ( ) [flag_SAC] => Array ( ) ) [filter_order] => Array ( [0] => annotation ) [annotation_types] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (n82) [1] => Array ( [name] => living [5] => nam_liv_animal [134] => nam_liv_person_add [136] => nam_liv_person_first [138] => nam_liv_person_last [139] => nam_liv_person [140] => nam_liv_plant [356] => nam_liv_character [357] => nam_liv_god [359] => nam_liv_habitant [363] => nam_liv_other ) [2] => Array ( [name] => location [1] => nam_loc_gpe_admin1 [2] => nam_loc_gpe_admin2 [3] => nam_loc_gpe_admin3 [6] => nam_loc_astronomical [9] => nam_loc_hydronym_bay [11] => nam_loc_land_cape [25] => nam_loc_gpe_city [28] => nam_loc_land_continent [29] => nam_loc_gpe_conurbation [30] => nam_loc_gpe_country [31] => nam_loc_country_region [33] => nam_loc_gpe_district [60] => nam_loc_historical_region [63] => nam_loc_land_island [64] => nam_loc_hydronym_lagoon [65] => nam_loc_hydronym_lake [118] => nam_loc_land_mountain [125] => nam_loc_hydronym_ocean [131] => nam_loc_land_peninsula [146] => nam_loc_land_region [147] => nam_loc_hydronym_river [150] => nam_loc_land_sandspit [151] => nam_loc_hydronym_sea [157] => nam_loc_gpe_subdivision [167] => nam_loc_other [330] => nam_loc_land_peak [344] => nam_loc_land_desert [351] => nam_loc_gpe [352] => nam_loc_gpe_admin [353] => nam_loc_hydronym [354] => nam_loc_land [355] => nam_loc_land_protected_area ) [3] => Array ( [name] => event [38] => nam_eve_human [308] => nam_eve_human_holiday [309] => nam_eve_human_sport [310] => nam_eve_human_cultural [343] => nam_eve_human_aniversary [349] => nam_eve_natural_phenomenom [361] => nam_eve_other ) [4] => Array ( [name] => facility [40] => nam_fac_goe [130] => nam_fac_park [149] => nam_fac_road [156] => nam_fac_square [158] => nam_fac_system [345] => nam_fac_goe_stop [346] => nam_fac_crossroad [347] => nam_fac_bridge [350] => nam_fac_goe_market [362] => nam_fac_other ) [5] => Array ( [name] => product [7] => nam_pro_award [10] => nam_pro_brand [34] => nam_pro_title_document [117] => nam_pro_media [132] => nam_pro_media_periodic [152] => nam_pro_software [166] => nam_pro_title [169] => nam_pro_title_treaty [171] => nam_pro_vehicle [172] => nam_pro_media_web [306] => nam_pro_media_tv [307] => nam_pro_media_radio [311] => nam_pro_title_album [312] => nam_pro_title_boardgame [313] => nam_pro_title_book [315] => nam_pro_title_article [316] => nam_pro_title_painting [317] => nam_pro_title_song [318] => nam_pro_title_tv [319] => nam_pro_title_radio [321] => nam_pro_model_car [322] => nam_pro_model_phone [323] => nam_pro_model_plane [324] => nam_pro_model_ship [326] => nam_pro_software_os [327] => nam_pro_software_game [348] => nam_pro_software_version [366] => nam_pro_other ) [7] => Array ( [name] => organization [8] => nam_org_group_band [27] => nam_org_company [62] => nam_org_institution [120] => nam_org_nation [128] => nam_org_organization [129] => nam_org_organization_sub [137] => nam_org_group [141] => nam_org_political_party [328] => nam_org_group_team [341] => nam_org_institution_full [365] => nam_org_other ) [8] => Array ( [name] => other [32] => nam_oth_currency [66] => nam_oth_license [119] => nam_oth_other [159] => nam_oth_tech [262] => nam_oth_www [325] => nam_oth_data_format [331] => nam_oth_mail [332] => nam_oth_ip [337] => nam_oth_address_street [340] => nam_oth_stock_index [342] => nam_oth_position ) [52] => Array ( [name] => adjective [135] => nam_adj_person [338] => nam_adj_country [339] => nam_adj_city [360] => nam_adj_other ) [53] => Array ( [name] => numex [333] => nam_num_house [334] => nam_num_flat [335] => nam_num_phone [336] => nam_num_postal_code [364] => nam_num_other ) [290] => Array ( [name] => emocje [750] => radosc ) [295] => Array ( [name] => pozytywne [760] => radosc [761] => radosc [762] => radosc ) [298] => Array ( [name] => negatywne [770] => smutek ) [478] => Array ( [name] => waluty [1061] => nam_waluty_crypto ) [497] => Array ( [name] => anonimize [1081] => BRAND_NAME [1082] => OSOBA [1085] => NAMED_ENTITY [1086] => MIEJSCE [1087] => INNE [1088] => MAIL [1089] => USER [1090] => WWW [1091] => PRODUCT_NAME ) ) [19] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (nam) [57] => Array ( [name] => nam [436] => nam [1189] => nam_org_organization [1190] => nam_org_institution [1191] => nam_org_company [1192] => nam_pro_media_web [1193] => nam_pro_software [1194] => nam_pro_software_os ) ) [20] => Array ( [name] => Named Entities (top9) [58] => Array ( [name] => top9 [437] => nam_adj [438] => nam_eve [439] => nam_fac [440] => nam_liv [441] => nam_loc [442] => nam_num [443] => nam_org [444] => nam_oth [445] => nam_pro ) ) [233] => Array ( [name] => Speech acts pilot [471] => Array ( [name] => Klasy aktów mowy [1041] => ekspresywny [1042] => deklaratywny [1043] => dyrektywny [1044] => komisywny [1045] => asertywny [1046] => pytanie ) [498] => Array ( [name] => CCSARP [1092] => head [1093] => adjunct [1094] => address ) [499] => Array ( [name] => Local grammar [1095] => act [1096] => performer [1097] => addressee [1098] => specifier [1099] => intensifier [1100] => mitigator [1101] => indicator [1102] => hinge [1103] => filling ) ) [305] => Array ( [name] => Speech acts classes [552] => Array ( [name] => SAC [1232] => assertives [1233] => directives [1234] => commissives [1235] => expressives [1236] => declarations ) ) ) [filter_notset] => Array ( [0] => text [1] => base [2] => lang [3] => year [4] => month [5] => type [7] => annotation_value [8] => status [9] => subcorpus [10] => flag_Pilot [11] => flag_SAC ) [years] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0 [name] => 0 [count] => 341 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation [link] => 0 ) ) [subcorpuses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 3125 [name] => BabyBoom [count] => 48 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3125 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 3126 [name] => Dogomania [count] => 36 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3126 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 3127 [name] => Elektroda [count] => 26 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3127 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 3128 [name] => Kafeteria [count] => 28 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3128 ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 3129 [name] => Miau [count] => 34 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3129 ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 3130 [name] => PCLab [count] => 24 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3130 ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 3123 [name] => SFD [count] => 65 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3123 ) [7] => Array ( [id] => 3131 [name] => Vitalia [count] => 23 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3131 ) [8] => Array ( [id] => 3124 [name] => Wizaz [count] => 57 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation,subcorpus [link] => 3124 ) ) [statuses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 2 [name] => Przyjęty [count] => 341 [selected] => 1 [filter_order] => annotation [link] => 2 ) ) ) [_smarty_vars] => [_sections] => Array ( ) [_foreach] => Array ( ) [_tag_stack] => Array ( ) [_conf_obj] => [_config] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [vars] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) ) ) [_smarty_md5] => f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f [_version] => 2.6.22 [_inclusion_depth] => 0 [_compile_id] => [_smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG [_smarty_debug_info] => Array ( ) [_cache_info] => Array ( ) [_file_perms] => 420 [_dir_perms] => 505 [_reg_objects] => Array ( ) [_plugins] => Array ( [modifier] => Array ( ) [function] => Array ( ) [block] => Array ( ) [compiler] => Array ( ) [prefilter] => Array ( ) [postfilter] => Array ( ) [outputfilter] => Array ( ) [resource] => Array ( ) [insert] => Array ( ) ) [_cache_serials] => Array ( ) [_cache_include] => [_cache_including] => ) [warnings] => Array ( ) [include_files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => js [file] => libs/lz-string.js [hash] => c9d045fcd175a8de647eac054c79ba4755dac4f4 ) [1] => Array ( [type] => js [file] => js/c_autoresize.js [hash] => c3c37a951d7d6f2852fbe22090502d0a1eec19fa ) ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/CInforexWeb.php [line] => 265 [function] => doPage [class] => InforexWeb [object] => InforexWeb Object ( ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => browse [1] => Array ( ) ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /home/czuk/inforex_web/public_html/index.php [line] => 87 [function] => execute [class] => InforexWeb [object] => InforexWeb Object ( ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( ) ) ) [callback] => ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::fetchAll() in /home/czuk/inforex_web/engine/include/database/Database.php on line 143